Thursday, September 24, 2009

Have you had your chocolate today??

Enjoy--I love chocolate and I actually ate one of these today. I just needed that extra little kick. You know those days I am talking about!--where you need extra Reese's in the house--where the kids will not find them--or husbands for that matter :) Peanut butter and chocolate is a slice of heaven. Why do we need that extra kick some days--simple makes us happy :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

just some monkey-ing around pictures

Sarah Jane loves monkeys and wanted me to share these pictures with everyone.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember 9/11

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost love ones on 9/11. We remember.

On September 11, 2001, four U.S. planes that were hijacked by terrorists crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people. Please take a moment to remember these people who passed away. Remember these individuals--left behind family, friends and co-workers. May God be with you all.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kevin's passion--soccer season begins

Kevin doing what he does best...playing soccer

We really had alot of fun at this tourney. We traveled to Columbus, Maryland and stayed at the Sheraton. Very nice hotel--would recommend to anyone. The boys played real hard. Their first game was a tie 0-0, second game also a tie 1-1 and their third game they won 1-0. I believe with how they do points and things like that our boys came in 2nd place in their bracket. Over all the team played well--great group of boys! They seem all get along and gel nicely. Coach said that I now have the title of "team photographer"--which of course I am loving!
On a happy note: school has started--YEAH ME! But to be honest I like my kids--so yeah I did miss them. I cannot wait for them to get home and fill me in on how their first day went. Well for all those parents out there in blog land--enjoy the first day of peace and quiet until all those little and big kids come home. There will be loads of papers to fill out, sign and return. The joys of going back to school--pencils, the smell of glue, fresh notebooks and crayons--brings back memories for me. I would love to go back to school shopping for folders, notebooks and all the other goodies that the stores try to sell you (still love going and buying that stuff) Well enjoy you children while they are still in school--going to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate before I have to go and pick up the girls. Kevin should be walking thru the door any minute from the bus stop. ;D
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pictures to come...

Hi everyone! The soccer tourney is great so far. The boys tied 0-0 their first game & the second game was also a tie 1-1. They worked hard & had lots of fun. I took over 500 pictures they are coming soon. Of course I can only post Kevin's pictures. I know I am a camera nerd! But I like it. The boys started calling me Miss American Eagle...don't have a clue why; but I roll with the punches. Hannah is still working hard with gymnastics. Sarah Jane started field hockey and so far (cross your fingers) she loves it!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

please remember our military...

I was reminded the other day by a video that is surfing the email our soldiers are in danger everyday that they are in Iraq and Afghanistan. They were talking about how water boarding is inhumane...however the video was how inhumane our soldiers are treated when they are captured...this video was so graphic that it made me cry while I watched with horror...and I immediately felt that I needed to prayer for these soldiers families--for they will never see these men again. These soldiers were burned alive! And then some men and women who sit in our Government have the nerve to even say that water boarding is inhumane?? Hello...our PO W's that are captured are probably so happy to be captured because they are treated as if they are in some 4 star hotel...3 meals a day...showers, etc. After I cried--my emotions turned to anger! How can someone else do these horrible things to another person??

Bottom line folks--whether you believe in war or not...our soldiers are over there fighting for our freedoms...our freedom of speech, freedom of religion--we have so many freedoms in this country we are spoiled with them. I feel that our government is slowly taking our freedoms away from us. My father was in the Army and I am very proud of him. He is the finest man on this green earth.

I know that I personally walk up to a soldier that I see whether in a restaurant, a mall or even goodwill (where I shop quite often) and tell them that I am proud of them and thank you for all your service to our country. I wish more people would be like me and do really is such a simple thing to do--take time to thank someone for their will make them smile and feel good. Our military is the best in the world--but then again I am coming from a family where my Dad was in the Army.

Enjoy this YouTube video made by Lizzy Palmer--it really makes you think.


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