Thursday, December 10, 2009

Meet Mrs. SnowMan

Here is Mrs. SnowMan welcoming in a fresh coating of snow.  The kids had a wonderful time playing in the first snowfall.  The boys however had to shovel...but got in some fun with a snowball battle.  I enjoyed the time inside by myself sipping on some hot chocolate and hidden cookies I had in my secret place so the kids would not eat all of them on me :)

Enjoy the Holiday Season that is coming up...dare I still say "Merry Christmas" --yeah I will be not PC and say really loud--MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!...for the reason for the season is Jesus Christ.


Buy Design said...

OOh you got snow before us.By the way Just added a new favourite to my list of favourite books. Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. He is one of my top reads anyway but I really enjoyed this one.


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