Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Kevin's Soccer

Well I have been having alot of Mommy Moments about Hannah....soooo I must brag about my other 2 children as well. Kevin has been playing soccer since he is 5. He joined a travel team at the age of 8 and has been going strong ever since. He has passion for the game; his goal is to become a pro-soccer player. My husband and I always tell our children that is not just a dream...but if you really want something it can be done if you work hard at it. Here are some pictures of Kevin in action out on the soccer field. We never complain about him dribbling inside the house against the walls...sometimes I think that the soccer ball is permently attached to his feet! He is an awesome kid...grades are excellent, passion for soccer and life in general. In fact sometimes I think his cousins actually tire out from playing with him...Kevin is just the type of person where he really enjoys life and what it brings about. I was thinking the other day (which is really scarry at times lol...) what God has in store for each of our children...hmmm a pretty big questions with no answers yet. Will they get married and be happy like their father and I? How many children will they have? Or will Sarah Jane travel the world and become a photographer? Only God knows and He has entrusted us with these 3 awesome, one of a kind kids...to do our best job in raising them to be outstanding citizins, smart bright people with many different gifts and talents to use. For those of you who have children--enjoy every waking moment of life with them. My Dad once told me "Once you are a parent you never stop being one until you are no longer on this earth--so do the best job you can with your children". My parents may be many miles away (Hawaii--yes they live in Paradise) but they are always there for me when I need them. I love you Mom and Dad! Trust in the Lord for He will take care of you!



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