Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Blog...Again!

I hope that you enjoy this piece of artwork done by Sarah Jane. She is really working hard in Kindergarten and they are practicing their numbers. In case you have not noticed--I have a new background again....I promise this one will be the last time for I really, really, really love this one! Aunt Violet helped me change to a new 3 column format instead of I decide to change everything. I hope that you like it I know I love it...even Craig checked it out and said he was digging it. I also think that all the pictures really "pop" out at you. Whether the pictures are color or black/white they really look smart on the black background. Thanks for putting up with me again Aunt Violet--you are a real trooper. I am learning alot from her--Aunt Violet is the "Queen of code"! Well signing off for the night--oh reminder to Dad don't forget to keep clicking on the ads--yes I am getting paid for them when people click on them...also the music playlist has been updated with new songs so if you do not like the openning song click on any of the songs at the bottom of the page and it will play on 1 click. Thanks for supporting my blog I feel it has really come a long way--happy reading--and keep those comments coming.



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