Thursday, February 12, 2009

A few questions for you:

I am sitting here thinking....hmmm...what can I write about today....and I thought gee I think I am going to think up random questions for everyone to think about and then cut/paste into the comments so that I can read everyone else's answers (yes I am very interested in knowing everyone's answers). So please take the time to take this little quiz for me. I hope to see lots of comments from this post. My answers are in red after the questions. They are really silly but thought it would be fun to do on this very windy enjoy!

Grab a book--turn to page 25 line 5
What does it say? She laughed at his expression. "I brung you some vittles," she said, and shoved the basket at him. Sam cleared his throat, accepted the basket.

What is the last TV program you watched? USA vs. Mexico soccer match last night

What did you dream about last night? I won 530 million dollars...yeah I know... it really was a dream!!

When did you last laugh? Last night in the kitchen with Craig and the kids (they were laughing at my dream of winning 530 million dollars)

What's on the walls of your kitchen? Lots of pics, clock, painted cherry mirror

What's the most memorable experience (a good one)? the day I became Mrs. Craig Waterman

Would you ever consider living____________on mars or in a submarine--not

Pearls or diamonds? diamonds (it is my birthstone anyway)

What is your favorite TV show? it was Jericho...until CBS took it off for the 2nd time!!!!! yeah I still am banning CBS from the Waterman household--nobody better be watching that channel.

What are your favorite movies? you got mail, Narnia, 50 First Dates, but love to watch anything

What was your 1st car you owned? oh yeah I remember--my ford fairlane 500 army green and I only paid $250 for brings back so many memories

If you were a crayon--what color would you be? black--you can stand out or fade into the background when you need to

What is your favorite dessert? really too many...but n.y. cheesecake, hot fudge sundaes, cornflake cookies, black bottom cupcakes--just to name a few

Favorite time of day? night time

What's your favorite flavor of pop-tarts? chocolate with vanilla cream inside

Favorite season of the year? fall

Favorite beverage? hot chocolate

and last of all...

What is the one thing in life that you want to achieve? to have all 3 of our children grow into responsible citizens and if they choose to marry--they would marry Christians of the opposite sex....I suppose this is 2 things and not one


Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

I'm so glad you came over to Faith Folk and left a comment. Thanks for linking us and I'll get you linked to us too :-)


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