Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If Onions Were This Colorful

I love this picture! This of course was photo-shopped...but BAAMBOO--it got some punch to it. What if all our onions were this colorful in our gardens? They would be so much fun to pick and eat...hmmm maybe I can get these somewhere so that the girls would finally eat onions. This picture just has to make you smile ;). I really, really can not wait til spring to come and stay!

I am so excited to dig in the dirt and play and plant and did I mention play? Oh but I just remembered....I still have to take down the Christmas decorations...oops...hmmm--maybe I will just leave them up for next year then I will finally beat the neighbors across the street! They always are the first to put up their decorations (yes those organized kind of people). You all know those kinds of people--personnaly I see these Moms who can do everything, and I think "boy, I should really have them do some stuff for me." I am the type that makes lists and then never look at them unless I find them at the bottom of my purse. So many ideas so little time. But anyway getting back to this picture of these cute onions--this reminds me so much of people...that we are all different in so many ways. We all have different talents that God has blessed us with...it makes me sometimes so sad that many people do not use their talents. It seems like a waste. God wants us to use these talents or gifts--there are so many wonderful talents: singing, music (which these are not any of mine--I can't sing a note to save my life), drawing, photography, cooking and baking, sewing, teaching, writing...and so many more. I would love to challege you all to pick up on a talent of yours that you have not used in a long time. Maybe you always dreamed about writing a book but just never got around to starting it. Start this spring!! and don't forget to plant some onions in your garden too.



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