Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey! Back to School...Yeah Me!

august 10th 222/365, originally uploaded by Zoë (HPAD).

Ah the smell of colored pencils, crayons--these things still make me happy. When I was little I could not wait to go back to school. By mid-August it was time to shop for back to school supplies.

This reminds me of what I heard on Glenn Beck the other day...and it just made me plain good-old fashion MAD. In New York they are giving (yes the government) 200.00 check to each kid in the family...these are poor families, welfare etc. and do you know what the parents are buying??? not school supplies such as pencils, backpacks, lunchboxes--No they are buying video games and flat screen tv's. What happened to buying your kids the things they actually need for school? I was just so mad after hearing that program...

Well all you Mom's out there in cyberspace...Happy Shopping! Enjoy the rest of the summer with your children...because soon schools will open again and the house will be once again quiet.



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