Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I love this sign!

I love this!...this sign is being seen on US Hwy 15-501 at Lamm’s Grove intersection.
(near Durham , NC )
I am thinking about making a sign of my own for our front yard...but all the Obama lovers in the neighborhood might get nasty...oh wait that's right I am the "mob, right-wing Christian"...hmm I am thinking about changing my name to 'Digg'um Deep Donna'--cuz when you are in the Mob they bury someone deep...I have been listening to Sean Hannity and he is having people call in with a mobster's name. The Democrats just want to take the focus off of what they are doing to get this health care reform bill passed. We as a nation have been asleep far too long...the senators and congressmen are not use to people standing up to them and making them accountable...remember this--they work for us! not the other way around... Folks our freedoms are slowly being taken away from us. Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and Christians are now the minority...every other religion is being accepted but ours...we as Christians believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior--

Please pray for our country and yes our leaders--even though they are idiots in my opinion--in fact sometimes I think our 6 year old is smarter then some of these yo-yos in Washington. We need to stand up for our beliefs~I am so proud of the American people that are going to these town hall meetings and having their voices heard. I know Sen. Spector was not too happy here in PA. for alot of people are just outraged about this ObamaCare trying to be passed. I challenge you all to read a copy of it (found online) and it is really scary. I believe we have very evil people leading our country right now; that's right I said evil--President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed--they are all EVIL people with their own agenda. We need to pray for them that God opens their eyes to the evilness that they are doing. Pretty scary stuff that is trying to get passed. I know I have called my Representatives and called many times. Sometimes I just wish that Jesus returns today and we will be not fretting about all this non-sense--which it is. I feel really passionate about this and need to express myself...and encourage all of you to do the same. This is why I love to blog...you can write anything--until our freedom of speech will be taken away I will continue to do so.

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