Remember Terri Schiavo? God bless her soul...hopefully she knew Christ as her personal Savior and is now is Heaven with Him. Let's review in 2005, a COURT ordered the removal of a feeding tube from Terri Schiavo. It outraged and angered alot of people if not the entire Nation...I know that I was one of those people that needed to clear my anger issues.
Well guess what folks--if government takes over our health care, bureaucrats will have the power to decide who will live and die in America. Now don't get excited and get a bee's nest in your pants! This can happen by having the government delaying or denying treatment to critically ill patients because it costs to much.
NOTE to MOM: boy Mom I am sure glad you found your cancer now before ObamaCare! Beware to all older citizens--you need a hip replacement NO, you need more pills NO, you have heart problems NO sorry the government will have to assess your condition and will choose for you if you can have anything done. Oh and on a personal note: I think that Obama is a blooming idiot! I really can honestly say I am so glad to admit that I did not vote for him. But yes I am still praying for him--for him to find the Lord and act like a God-fearing man and have the balls to do the right things that are moralfor this country and not being just a puppet for the left-wing liberals. Enough said about our President or I will be fighting off nausa one again (and hopefully people wake up and not vote him in for another 4 years!) ANYWAY--if I read the ObamaCare bills right--it means it will have an Euthanasia and Abortion bills with the government footing the bill. And it will be our tax dollars doing it! Now folks--I don't know about you but I want the right to choose my own doctors and hospitals and yes my own insurance plan without delay or denial. As a Nation we need to stand up (in a mild, non-violent manner) and take back our Nation. The most important way to do this is by Praying...but there are other ways of letting our voices be heard too.
I disagree with creating on standardized government run health care system--slowly our choices begin to fade-away and competition dies. I know our voices can be heard! Thank God for my big mouth--I knew someday it would be used for good. Write your Representives--they all have emails and yes even call them. Blog about it--and don't be afraid of other people's opinions--in fact I welcome them with open arms...however no profanity or it will not be posted. If you don't like something or have an idea let your voice be heard. Here are links to get phone numbers for your elected Representives and so what are you waiting for folks let your voices be heard--lets take back our Nation--which by the way is the greatest Nation to live in. I actually put my Representives in my cell phone and call them frequently--they are hearing my voice--I am telling them I do not want a "health care reform plan" that is going to consist of forcing every citizen to purchase health insurance that will be run by our government--oh and guess what it is just going to be for us wee little folks but not congress and senate they can still have their choice...please I encourage you all to get out and is our duty to do so--and if you vote you have the right to complain about something you do not agree with. America is the best to live in. Well enough of me standing on my soapbox in the middle of PA. I will be heard I will stand up for my rights being slowly taken away I be continued when I become fed up again. Enjoy the day--with family and something good today.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Remember Terri Schiavo?
Posted by Donna at 12:22 PM
Labels: abortion, Amercia, court, euthanasia, God, government, health insurance, house, obama, obamacare, president, representives, senate, standardized government run health care, tax dollars, terri schiavo
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