Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sarah Jane starts field hockey

This was the first time that Sarah Jane tried her hands at field hockey. She seemed to like it and said that she had fun. SJ was the youngest (the only one going into first grade) on her team. She was on the shy side, however I could tell that she was really trying. I told her not to fret for it was going to be hard to do at first until she learns. She was excited and said she can't wait till next week--which is a good sign. Sarah Jane did not care for soccer--not her thing.

Enjoy some more photos...hey guess what I did not forget the camera this time! lol

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sandcastle Contest Winners!

Here are the sandcastle winners!! Hannah & Sarah Jane had lots of fun creating this castle. I was originally going to help them but they said that only children can enter...but I was allowed to "pack" the molds for them...although the Dad next to us built his kids castle--always one parent who does not want to follow the rules and just let the kids do it. But the girls really had fun and thanks to Bob (one of the strangers who took pictures) sent these to us we now have 2 photos from our vacation--yeah I know I forgot my camera... Thanks again Bob and see you next year at the shore! Oh the girls won a glow in the dark bracelet...pretty cool while it lasted.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey! Back to School...Yeah Me!

august 10th 222/365, originally uploaded by Zoƫ (HPAD).

Ah the smell of colored pencils, crayons--these things still make me happy. When I was little I could not wait to go back to school. By mid-August it was time to shop for back to school supplies.

This reminds me of what I heard on Glenn Beck the other day...and it just made me plain good-old fashion MAD. In New York they are giving (yes the government) 200.00 check to each kid in the family...these are poor families, welfare etc. and do you know what the parents are buying??? not school supplies such as pencils, backpacks, lunchboxes--No they are buying video games and flat screen tv's. What happened to buying your kids the things they actually need for school? I was just so mad after hearing that program...

Well all you Mom's out there in cyberspace...Happy Shopping! Enjoy the rest of the summer with your children...because soon schools will open again and the house will be once again quiet.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Lights, Camera, ACTION!-----NOT!! We had a fabulous vacation at the shore this week...and guess what I, Donna Waterman, forgot my camera!! Yeah I know...I felt so sick to my stomach. The first night we slept at the house, I awoke up at about 1:30am and said oh my I can't believe I forgot the camera!! The one thing to forget...I would of rather forgot my toothbrush! My darling husband looked at me and said "see what you get for rushing me" and rolled over and went back to sleep...I however could not go back to sleep for I was just sick to my stomach. We got up the next morning ate a huge breakfast--Craig cooks--oh how I love this man! and I announced to the children that I did not remember to bring the camera...there was golden silence for a moment--and then all three kids said at once "WHAT NO CAMERA THAT THING IS ATTACHED TO YOU HOW COULD YOU FORGET THAT" I was then the one that was speechless...for I never thought my kids even noticed me always taking pictures of them...I suppose that they are rather use to me behind the camera. Sooo... I called my friend's brother who lives down there all year round and he said sure I can borrow his point and shoot camera--(then he proceeded to be blown away about the fact that I forgot my camera...he said he could not believe it) however he could not find his camera (I at least knew where my camera was; it was just not with me at that moment and time)

So this is the first vacation that we took and have no pictures. Yes I am feeling that sick pit stomach thingy again--and no I am not pregnant! We had loads of fun and came back happy (and with no pictures) but fun it was. We of course hung at the beach by day until about suppertime...went back to the house to fire up the grill (did I mention that Craig cooks ;) ) night we went to Seaside Heights boardwalk and ate the best funnel cake ever--was worth the $5.00--heck they could of charged me $10.00 and it still would of been worth it. The girls entered a 'Sand Castle Contest' and won!! Their prizes were glow in the dark bracelets. (Oh by the way I did not have my camera but 2 nice men took pictures of the girls standing with their castle and said that they would email me the pictures--I hope that they don't forget for I gave out our email to two complete strangers). Anyway the point is not me forgetting the camera right??? we had lots of fun and enjoyed family time of just hanging together and that is what counts...however the kids told me that if I ever forget the camera again--off with me head :(

Well it feels good to be home again even though I have a ton of laundry, Hannah starts her team gymnastics camp on Monday bright and early, Kevin starts his fall soccer practices this week and Sarah Jane is going to start field hockey this Sunday--I can begin to take pictures again. On a side note: I am reading my 293rd book...almost to book 352!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I love this sign!

I love this!...this sign is being seen on US Hwy 15-501 at Lamm’s Grove intersection.
(near Durham , NC )
I am thinking about making a sign of my own for our front yard...but all the Obama lovers in the neighborhood might get nasty...oh wait that's right I am the "mob, right-wing Christian"...hmm I am thinking about changing my name to 'Digg'um Deep Donna'--cuz when you are in the Mob they bury someone deep...I have been listening to Sean Hannity and he is having people call in with a mobster's name. The Democrats just want to take the focus off of what they are doing to get this health care reform bill passed. We as a nation have been asleep far too long...the senators and congressmen are not use to people standing up to them and making them accountable...remember this--they work for us! not the other way around... Folks our freedoms are slowly being taken away from us. Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and Christians are now the minority...every other religion is being accepted but ours...we as Christians believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior--

Please pray for our country and yes our leaders--even though they are idiots in my opinion--in fact sometimes I think our 6 year old is smarter then some of these yo-yos in Washington. We need to stand up for our beliefs~I am so proud of the American people that are going to these town hall meetings and having their voices heard. I know Sen. Spector was not too happy here in PA. for alot of people are just outraged about this ObamaCare trying to be passed. I challenge you all to read a copy of it (found online) and it is really scary. I believe we have very evil people leading our country right now; that's right I said evil--President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed--they are all EVIL people with their own agenda. We need to pray for them that God opens their eyes to the evilness that they are doing. Pretty scary stuff that is trying to get passed. I know I have called my Representatives and called many times. Sometimes I just wish that Jesus returns today and we will be not fretting about all this non-sense--which it is. I feel really passionate about this and need to express myself...and encourage all of you to do the same. This is why I love to can write anything--until our freedom of speech will be taken away I will continue to do so.

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Does this really need a title?

I found this poster in my daughter's 3rd grade classroom and just had to take a picture of it. I love it--pretty much says it all--God created us each in a unique way--just be yourself instead of a copycat.

The weather is beautiful in our part of the world. Enjoy your day as if it were your last...
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

A "Friendly" soccer game

This is Kevin (for those of you who are new--Kevin is in the yellow/blue) in action as he takes on the soccer ball. It was a friendly game against Reading Rages U-13 age group. He was really excited to play...the kid eats, sleeps and breaths soccer. I had lots of fun snapping lots of pictures! I had over 200 some pics that I shot but after much editing I put together a slideshow of 77 pictures.

I have really been in prayer to the Lord about starting my own photography business--specializing in sports photography. I love taking pictures. I feel that I an eye for it and I am wasting my talents of not focusing on using them. I am still going to sub as a teacher's aide in the local school district to keep with a somewhat steady income to help pay for our new van--only 3 more years of car payments then we own it for another 10 years!! LOL But anyway folks I would love to do something with photography--I have a great SLR camera that we got for Christmas a few years ago. And working all the years as a graphic designer gave me an artful eye to crop before you even take the picture. So please pray for me in this area.

Well enjoy life! God has really blessed all of us in so many ways...that we really should not complain.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A cute video

I think we are going to give this sports drink to Kevin for soccer games...hahahaha

Remember Terri Schiavo?

Remember Terri Schiavo? God bless her soul...hopefully she knew Christ as her personal Savior and is now is Heaven with Him. Let's review in 2005, a COURT ordered the removal of a feeding tube from Terri Schiavo. It outraged and angered alot of people if not the entire Nation...I know that I was one of those people that needed to clear my anger issues.

Well guess what folks--if government takes over our health care, bureaucrats will have the power to decide who will live and die in America. Now don't get excited and get a bee's nest in your pants! This can happen by having the government delaying or denying treatment to critically ill patients because it costs to much.
NOTE to MOM: boy Mom I am sure glad you found your cancer now before ObamaCare! Beware to all older citizens--you need a hip replacement NO, you need more pills NO, you have heart problems NO sorry the government will have to assess your condition and will choose for you if you can have anything done. Oh and on a personal note: I think that Obama is a blooming idiot! I really can honestly say I am so glad to admit that I did not vote for him. But yes I am still praying for him--for him to find the Lord and act like a God-fearing man and have the balls to do the right things that are moralfor this country and not being just a puppet for the left-wing liberals. Enough said about our President or I will be fighting off nausa one again (and hopefully people wake up and not vote him in for another 4 years!) ANYWAY--if I read the ObamaCare bills right--it means it will have an Euthanasia and Abortion bills with the government footing the bill. And it will be our tax dollars doing it! Now folks--I don't know about you but I want the right to choose my own doctors and hospitals and yes my own insurance plan without delay or denial. As a Nation we need to stand up (in a mild, non-violent manner) and take back our Nation. The most important way to do this is by Praying...but there are other ways of letting our voices be heard too.

I disagree with creating on standardized government run health care system--slowly our choices begin to fade-away and competition dies. I know our voices can be heard! Thank God for my big mouth--I knew someday it would be used for good. Write your Representives--they all have emails and yes even call them. Blog about it--and don't be afraid of other people's opinions--in fact I welcome them with open arms...however no profanity or it will not be posted. If you don't like something or have an idea let your voice be heard. Here are links to get phone numbers for your elected Representives and so what are you waiting for folks let your voices be heard--lets take back our Nation--which by the way is the greatest Nation to live in. I actually put my Representives in my cell phone and call them frequently--they are hearing my voice--I am telling them I do not want a "health care reform plan" that is going to consist of forcing every citizen to purchase health insurance that will be run by our government--oh and guess what it is just going to be for us wee little folks but not congress and senate they can still have their choice...please I encourage you all to get out and is our duty to do so--and if you vote you have the right to complain about something you do not agree with. America is the best to live in. Well enough of me standing on my soapbox in the middle of PA. I will be heard I will stand up for my rights being slowly taken away I be continued when I become fed up again. Enjoy the day--with family and something good today.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

God's beauty is in full bloom

I was busy yesterday taking pictures in our yard. The flowers are so colorful with rich hues--I just had to smile. I hope that all of you stop to smell the flowers-for God has created them for us to enjoy. Summer is quickly passing us by and soon the children will be back at school...hmmm...will I miss them or do a "yeah me"? I love the summertime for it is a time to kick back. We have been relaxing on our back porch with family and friends. We love to eat outside--especially when it is raining. The sound of rain makes you be mellow. We even ate outside during a thunderstorm which is pretty cool! What a canvas the Lord has created when it comes to summer--flowers in all colors, bugs, birds. Well I hope that everyone is getting out and about this summer whether digging in the dirt or just grabing a good book to read while lounging on the porch swing (with a big glass of koolaide--grape flavor of course and some cookies too) Kick back and enjoy the rest of summer--for it is passing us by and we will blink ;) and fall will appear. We went back to school shopping with my mother-in-law the other day. Had loads of fun and shopped till we dropped. We hit the Salvation Army store (local thrift shop) and the girls and I were in pure heaven! We love this store--you never know what treasures we will find. Besides clothing I also found frames,(for the many pictures and art projects to be framed) flower pots, and some other odds and ends. Of course I have to take Kevin for jeans but maybe not till January--yes our son is one of those knuckleheads that wear shorts all year long--we pick our battles. Well enjoy the rest of summer and take time to listen to the sound of rain or take in the beauty of the flowers.

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